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FSAE Olin Electric Motorsports

"Olin Electric Motorsports is an undergraduate project team at Olin College of Engineering focused on educating engineers through developing and manufacturing electric race cars. By working together to compete each season, members develop their technical knowledge as well as communication and leadership skills essential for success as a professional engineer."


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Senior Cockpit Engineer

As a mechanical member of Olin Electric Motorsports (OEM), I work as an engineer on the Cockpit subteam. Our group is responsible for all aspects of the vehicle that the driver interacts with, including the seat, pedal tray assembly, head restraint, harness, steering assembly, and more. Through my project work, I have built experience with skills such as using Solidworks CAD, TIG welding, and design for manufacturing/assembly techniques. As a senior engineer, I also spend significant time as a mentor for other members of the team.


Below are a few of the projects I've worked on during my time on OEM.



Mk.6 Nosecone

I used the Solidworks Surfacing toolbox to design and CAD a custom fit nosecone for our Mk.6 vehicle. The part was designed with space/size constraints, mounting points, basic aerodynamics, aesthetics, and driver visibility in mind. 


My CAD part was then sent to one of our team sponsors to be manufactured out of carbon fiber composite material. 

Mk.6 Cockpit Seat

I designed the sheet metal seat to fit the new chassis for our Mk.6 vehicle, as well as made some design changes to address pain points identified during Mk.5 assembly and at competition the previous summer. The design also includes considerations for driver ergonomics and mounting points on the chassis. 


Since our seat is made out of sheet metal, I made removable seat cushions fitted to the base, back, and sides of the seat to make our drivers as comfortable as possible. In conjunction with this project, I also worked on the mounting of our 6-point driver harness.


Ergonomic Mockpit Jig

During my first year on OEM, I worked in a hybrid school environment to create a mock cockpit jig to allow our team to collect data on seat and cockpit ergonomics. The data would then allow us to observe and optimize the angles of the base and back of the seat, as well as the distance between the seat and the front roll hoop where the steering wheel and dashboard are located. 


The final product at the end of the semester, as shown on the right, was an entirely collapsible mockpit assembly using 2x4s, PVC pipes, and plywood sheets. The base and back of the seat can be individually set to a range of angles, with the fixed point at two hinges attaching the sheets of plywood to a flat panel underneath the seat and parallel to the floor. In addition, the front roll hoop (right) can be attached to the jig at several distances from the seat.

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